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Level 1- Impact & Compression (I/C): $131

Level 2- I/C & Electrical Hazard: $164

Level 3- I/C & Puncture Resistant Sole $200

Employees have the option to shop at any vendor, on-line or in-store, that sell safety toe shoes meeting OSHA standards for foot protection 1910.136.

Follow your Department’s policy and procedures regarding on-line purchases.

You can choose any safety shoe style that meets the minimum requirements of your job position’s Hazard Assessment (Attachment A).

You will need to shop for shoes on your own personal time.  You will be given one hour of work time (two hours for employees in remote locations) to pick up your shoes.

Bring the Hazard Assessment Certification Form for Foot Protection (Attachment A) and the Purchase Authorization Form (Attachment B) so the vendor can recommend the appropriate shoes to purchase.

You will need to give the information (shoe vendor, style/model, shoe size, and shoe cost) to your department so they can process the purchase order or authorization for pCard payment for the shoes. The amount of the purchase order will be up to the allowance level identified on the Purchase Authorization form (Attachment B). If you, the employee, choose to purchase safety shoes that exceed the applicable allowance, you will be responsible for the difference between the allowance and the total cost of the shoes.

Contact your supervisor immediately to follow-up with the vendor on their return policy and confirm the manufacturer defect.


Contact your Human Resources Office if you have questions.

Please refer to your Department’s Fiscal Office.